Diritto ed Economia dell'ImpresaISSN 2499-3158
G. Giappichelli Editore

10/01/2022 - The Marriage Visitor Visa

argomento: News del mese - Diritto Internazionale e Comunitario

Articoli Correlati: U.K. - Marriage Visitor Visa - extension

Those wishing to celebrate their marriage or civil union in the United Kingdom, but without intending to move to live in the U.K., must apply for a Marriage Visitor Visa. This is a special category of visitor visas and differs from the Spouse Visa, which is part of family visas and is instead aimed at those who intend to move to live in the U.K. and marry a British citizen or a person who has settled or pre-settled status in the U.K. To get married in the U.K., it is necessary to publish a marriage or civil union bann. This “notice” is simply a part of the legal process to get married, it implies the completion of a legal declaration at a register office to formally affirm the intention to marry or enter into a civil union. The communication must be made at least 29 days before the ceremony. Both partners are required to make this communication at the same time; however, there are exceptions when both partners are British or Irish citizens; both have settled or pre-settled status under the E.U. Settlement Scheme; have applied under the E.U. Settlement Scheme and are still awaiting a decision from the Home Office. Those who have pre-settled or settled status under the E.U. Settlement Scheme, those who have applied under the EU Settlement Scheme and are awaiting a decision, do not need to apply for a Marriage Visitor Visa. Irish. The Marriage Visitor Visa has a maximum duration of six months, within which the visa holder must get married. With this visa, it is not possible to work, study, access public funds, bring their dependents to the U.K. (who will have to apply separately) or reside for long periods in the U.K.