Diritto ed Economia dell'ImpresaISSN 2499-3158
G. Giappichelli Editore

15/12/2022 - CSRD directive: new rules for sustainability reporting

argomento: News del mese - Diritto Internazionale e Comunitario

Articoli Correlati: CSRD Directive - Corporate Sustainability - Non-financial information

On 10 November 2022, the European Parliament definitively adopted the Directive on corporate sustainability reporting (CSRD, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) initially proposed by the European Commission in April 2021, which represents a cornerstone of the European Green Deal and of the ‘Agenda for sustainable finance and represents a fundamental step for a broader E.U. policy aimed at a lower impact on the planet and greater respect for human rights by companies. The Directive has profoundly changed and completed a completely lacking context in terms of legislation on the declaration of non-financial information. The CSRD, in fact, introduces more precise transparency obligations on the impact of companies on the environment, on human rights and on social standards. Businesses will be subject to independent audits and certifications to ensure that the data provided is reliable. The sustainability statement will be equated to the financial one, allowing investors to have comparable and reliable data. The new E.U. transparency obligations on sustainability will apply to all large companies, publicly traded or not, including foreign companies with a turnover of more than €150 million in the E.U. The rules will start to apply between 2024 and 2028.